When the Honeymoon Phase is Over
Most people won’t admit that the beginning of recovery can be, well… kind of fun! But when that fades, how do you learn to eat without physical starvation prompting you?
Why did our soda all suddenly become health tonics? Nearly every new soda now has some label like ‘supports immunity,’ ‘gut healthy,’ or ‘evidence-based.’ And we automatically assume these things are true. But what if they aren’t?
Cleanses/Detoxes & God’s Gift to Man
Ah, cleanses. Far and wide do their proponents evangelize. From the depths of magazines, to the little ads on Quora. But are cleanses actually helpful? Let’s find out…
Evil, Processed Food
There’s this belief that “natural” foods are superior to processed. And maybe that belief is justified (no on really knows), but there’s a catch. Let’s get right down to it.
Food Frugality: Is it you, or the eating disorder?
Ever experience frugality compulsions in eating disorder recovery? Here’s why, plus how to stop them.
The Lies We’re Told
You know what I’m REALLY sick of? The belief that people somehow eat themselves into obesity. (If you don’t enjoy reading rants, this one’s not for you…)
PDA: Public Display of Appetite
In recovery, one super common, super sneaky safety behavior is avoiding eating in public. Here’s how to move past your fear, and take one big step closer to remission.
Indecision in eating disorder recovery can be a seriously frustrating hurdle to jump, yet so many people find themselves paralyzed by it. So what gives??
When Normal is Disordered
How do you recover when “normal” eating is no longer the norm? When letting go of your eating disorder sounds more unhealthy than healthy to the people around you, things get confusing, fast.
Grocery Shopping in Recovery
Having a rough time grocery shopping in recovery? Do this one thing.
Do I Need to Control My Weight?
Thermoregulation, osmoregulation, and… LIPOREGULATION?! I don’t know a single person who interferes with their body temperature. So why are we messing with our weight?
Scared of Sodium? Read this.
Should you be lowering your sodium intake? What if salt isn’t exactly the poison it’s made out to be? Let’s take a closer look.
How to Move On After an Eating Disorder
If you’ve been in recovery from your eating disorder for a while, it can feel SO. EXHAUSTING. After a while, it starts to feel like “What the heck! Are all these women really recovered? When’s it gonna be *my* turn, already?” And I hear you! So what gives? When your body’s recovered, how do you stop having an eating disorder in your head??
5 Ways Eating Disorder Treatment Centers are Falling Short (And What To Do About It)
Many women are left to their own devices as they endeavor to reach full remission from a sort of quasi-recovery state caused by eating disorder treatment centers. Here's where they're falling short, plus what YOU can do about it:
How Long Does it Take to Recover From an Eating Disorder?
Ah, the million-dollar question… and one nobody has the answer to, for good reason: There’s no agreed-upon definition for ‘recovered’ from an eating disorder. So how can we judge how long it will take to recover?
Thank You, Next: The Glucose Goddess Method
The Glucose Goddess Method is BLOWING 🧨 UP 💥 lately… but is it something women should be trying?
10 Years Later: Eating Disorder Recovery Tattoo Pros & Cons
I got my recovery tattoo 10 years ago!! If you’re considering getting yours, here’s all the PROS & CONS you need to consider:
5 Reasons to Stop Intuitive Eating asap - Pt 2
Intuitive Eating is a brilliant outline of how normal eaters, well... eat. But there’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE between describing how normal eaters behave, and trying to imitate those behaviors.
Are There Really Any Benefits to Keto for Women?
PSA! Keto, fasting, and low carb are TERRIBLE FOR WOMEN! And it’s *so hard* to sit back and watch us believe all the lies... Here's why:
5 Reasons to Stop Intuitive Eating Asap: Pt 1
It feels like EVERYONE is jumping on the Intuitive Eating bandwagon in the hopes of healing their disordered relationship to food! But there’s so much left unsaid about it…